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Working on the Twinning strategy

Currently we are working on the Twinning strategy for EIZ, in which we see the opportunity for the Institute to position itself as the leader in Smart Specialization in Croatia as well in South Eastern European including its inner circle the Western Balkan. Regarding to this we are organising the second project meeting in Milano,…

The second project meeting

The second project meeting within the SmartEIZ will be held on October 20 and 21, in Milano, Italy. The main focus of the meeting will be presentation of the Twinning strategy for EIZ to partners and the Advisory Board.

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Presentation of the SmartEIZ project on workshop

“How to successfully facilitate technology transfer and commercialize research results” was held on 13 – 14 September in Split, Croatia. The workshop is jointly organized by WISE Interim Director and the Regional Cooperation Council Secretariat. Zoran Aralica as a coordinator of the project gave a speech about fostering regional network capacity and knowledge exchange in…

SmartEIZ project kick-off meeting

At the Institute of Economics, Zagreb (EIZ) on February 17 and 18, 2016 a kick off meeting was held between the consortium partners and professional community and the implementation plan was presented of the SmartEIZ project which is being financed via Horizon 2020 project scheme. This three-year program is designed to enhance the research capacity…