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Call for papers – SmartEIZ Conference

Horizon 2020 Twinning project ‘SmartEIZ’ SmartEIZ Conference “Smart Specialization Strategies: Contemporary Challenges of its Design and Implementation” September 25–26, 2018 The Institute of Economics, Zagreb Background The global financial crisis was a trigger that had an influence on the economic policy on a national level all over the globe. EU sent a unique message to…

Training Workshop “Entrepreneurship and knowledge-based economy”

The ‘Entrepreneurship and knowledge-based economy’ training workshop, held from 14th to 15th   February 2018 at the Institute of Economics, Zagreb, covered the state of the art research in the field, starting from an overview of the concept of knowledge-based economy, and the dynamics of knowledge-intensive entrepreneurship. It continued to the discussion of measurement issues,…

Visiting Training Session on Multilevel Modelling

Julia Korosteleva, Senior Lecturer in Business Economics at SSEES, University College London, delivered fourth SmartEIZ Visiting Training Session on multilevel modelling. The purpose of this course was to introduce EIZ staff to the key concepts and methodology of multilevel modelling (ML) and to illustrate various applications of ML modelling in empirical research, using STATA software.…

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List of publications presented at SmartEIZ Training Workshops

At the ninthTraining Workshop which was held in Zagreb in April 2018 the following researchers presented the following papers: Aralica, Zoran “Mapping GVC in Croatia” Vidaković Peruško, Ivana; Kovač, Katarina and Jošić, Miroslav “Croatia in global value chains”* At the eighth Training Workshop which was held in Maastricht in March 2018 the following researchers presented the following papers: Vargas Cuevas, Fernando…