Visiting Training Session on Developing questionnaires/surveys and Household level survey data analysis

Second visiting training session was held from 11th to 15th December 2017 at The Institute of Economics, Zagreb. Prof Anthony Arundel from UNU-MERIT delivered an intermediate mini-course on survey design and implementation. The course provided instructions on how to design and implement a survey, from initial preparation to data editing. This course was followed by…

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The third project meeting held in Zagreb

The third Project meeting was held on November 6, 2017 at The Institute of Economics, Zagreb. The main objective of this project meeting was to facilitate SmartEIZ project implementation in the remaining period. The programme was divided in the part where the partners informed attendees about the implementation of the activities related to training workshops,…

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How to select and develop Key Enabling Technologies and policies to advance manufacturing in Croatia? Localising roles for innovation researchers and policy makers

Dr René Wintjes from UNU-MERIT and Dr Zoran Aralica from the Institute of Economics, Zagreb prepared a policy brief on how to select and develop Key Enabling Technologies and policies to advance manufacturing in Croatia. The key messages of the policy brief are: Key Enabling Technologies as defined by the European Commission include: photonics, nanotechnology,…

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First Visiting Training Session

Visiting Training Session (VTS) ‘Firm level data analysis’ was held from 9th to 11th October 2017 at the Institute of Economics, Zagreb. This VTS included three lectures by Dr Micheline Goedhuys on Micro data sources for innovation and firm performance analysis, Innovation and performance: issues in empirical modelling and Impact evaluation of innovation policies, methods…

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Smart Skills Training Workshop for researchers and academics

Forthcoming two-day Smart Skills Training Workshop (TW) is going to be held on October  30 and 31, 2017 at the Institute of Economics, Zagreb. This specialized TW will be related to upgrading Skills within Smart Specialization Strategy (S3) in Croatia. Key focus of this TW is exploring various aspects of skills policy (designing and implementing) related…