Second SmartEIZ training workshop “Technology, Growth and Productivity, including KET”

The two days training workshop (TW) on Technology, Growth and Productivity, including KET covered a wide of range of theoretical, empirical and policy issues related to interaction of technology and productivity. The topic was investigated and discussed in four perspectives: 1. The macroeconomic perspective of growth and development; 2. The firm-level perspective of analyzing panel…

The first SmartEIZ training workshop

SmartEIZ training workshop “Assessing innovation policy: overview of theoretical, design and implementation issues” was held at the Institute of Economics, Zagreb last week, from 19th to 21st April 2017. We had a very successful event and the response was great. We uploaded all available Power Point presentations and background materials from the training workshop on…

The Globelics International Conference 2017

The 15th Globelics Conference will be held in Athens, Greece. It will be hosted by the Laboratory of Industrial and Energy Economics (LIEE) in cooperation with the Institute of Communications and Computer Systems (ICCS) at the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), the oldest (established in 1837) and most prestigious Greek academic institution in the…

Smart EIZ Training Workshop: ‘Assessing innovation policy: overview of theoretical, design and implementation issues’ program

This report summarises the main issues explored and discussed at the training workshop as well as reports on the main messages from the sessions. The rationale for the workshop is well expressed in the conclusions of the Compendium of evidence on innovation policy project:  ‘Governments have implemented a wide range of policies to encourage innovation…

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Online survey “Development of Croatian Clusters of Competitiveness”

As a part of training activities within SmartEIZ project the Institute of Economics, Zagreb with the help of Croatian Agency for Investments and Competitiveness (AIK) is conducting online survey “Development of Croatian Clusters of Competitiveness”. The sample includes the members of 13 Croatian Clusters of Competitiveness. This research aims to assess the development model and…

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SmartEIZ Training Workshop „Assessing innovation policy: overview of theoretical, design and implementation issues“

The three days training workshop which will be held from 19th to 21st April 2017, at the Institute of Economics, Zagreb will cover a wide of range of theoretical, design and implementation issues relevant to the practice of innovation policy. Training workshop is designed with the aim to: Provide state of the art introduction into…

Twinning strategy for EIZ in the field of EMIT

Twinning strategy for EIZ in the field of EMIT presents a focal point of SmartEIZ project, specifically Work Package 2. It defines a specific development strategic programme focused on improving EIZ’s research capacities in EMIT and technological policy design and evaluation field. At the meeting in Milan on October 21, project partners and Advisory Board…