“Innovation Day” conference held in Zagreb

In Zagreb, on June 19th, 2018, the “Innovation Day” conference was held at BIOCentar in Zagreb. The conference was welcomed by the members of the Board of Directors of HAMAG-BICRO, Mario Turalija and State Secretary of the Ministry of Science and Education, Tome Antičić. The introductory speech emphasized the importance of innovation for sustainable economic…

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Grant for library renewal and the establishment of a multipurpose classroom located in the library

Ministry of Science and Education awarded the Institute of Economics, Zagreb, within the framework of the call for proposals Development and strengthening of synergy with horizontal activities of the Horizon 2020 program: Twinning and ERA Chairs; KK., with HRK 1.4 million for library renewal and the establishment of a multipurpose classroom located in the library.…

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Zagreb FORUM and SmartEIZ innovation award

During the 6th International Conference ZAGREB FORUM 2018: DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION OF CITIES, which was held at the Technology Park Zagreb on May 28th , 2018, Zagreb FORUM and SmartEIZ innovation award was granted for promoting innovation ecosystems and their development. The conference was organized by the Development Agency Zagreb, in cooperation with the City of…

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Meeting with representatives of the Croatian Science Foundation

On 10th April, 2018, the coordinators of twinning projects in Croatia have met with representatives of the Croatian Science Foundation at the premises of the Institute of Economics, Zagreb. The objective of the meeting was exploring possibilities of connecting the Croatian Science Foundation’s program „Partnership in Research“ with Horizon 2020/ Twinning projects. The representatives of…

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Smart Skills Training Workshop for researchers and academics

Forthcoming two-day Smart Skills Training Workshop (TW) is going to be held on October  30 and 31, 2017 at the Institute of Economics, Zagreb. This specialized TW will be related to upgrading Skills within Smart Specialization Strategy (S3) in Croatia. Key focus of this TW is exploring various aspects of skills policy (designing and implementing) related…

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SmartEIZ Training Workshop „Assessing innovation policy: overview of theoretical, design and implementation issues“

The three days training workshop which will be held from 19th to 21st April 2017, at the Institute of Economics, Zagreb will cover a wide of range of theoretical, design and implementation issues relevant to the practice of innovation policy. Training workshop is designed with the aim to: Provide state of the art introduction into…

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Presentation of the SmartEIZ project on workshop

“How to successfully facilitate technology transfer and commercialize research results” was held on 13 – 14 September in Split, Croatia. The workshop is jointly organized by WISE Interim Director and the Regional Cooperation Council Secretariat. Zoran Aralica as a coordinator of the project gave a speech about fostering regional network capacity and knowledge exchange in…