SmartEIZ Training School, which will be held from 11th to 14th July, 2017 at the Institute of Economics, Zagreb, aims at increasing the quality and productivity of researchers and academics involved. It is suitable for senior and junior researchers to stimulate a critical reflection on research methods and techniques. SmartEIZ Training School will be organised by EIZ and UB (CRIOS), relying on input from scholars from the other partner institutions.
Training School will have a broad perspective, it should be a more or less an introductory course to research methods and tools used in the field of STI.
Proposed list of topics
The following topics were proposed by partner institutions to be covered during the Training School. These topics were proposed during the second project meeting in Milan, 20-21 October 2016.
- Firm level data ORBIS, Amadeus, etc.,
- Bibliometric analysis,
- Patent analysis,
- Firm level surveys / Innovation survey,
- Trade based analysis,
- Panel data analysis / multivariate analysis,
- New methods (Blue sky) agent based modelling, big data,
- Social network analysis,
- R language.
Training School will last for 4 days. The target group is primarily EIZ researchers and other researchers and academics from SEE countries.
UB (CRIOS) is in charge of organizing the TS.
Detailed schedule can be found here.