This round table focuses on topics we think will be relevant to the future understanding of Industrial Policy and Innovation Policies in countries such as Croatia and SEE countries that can be considered as the periphery of EU.
On the one hand, in the last ten years, these countries began to accept EU innovation and industrial policy agendas related to the establishment of R&I policies as mechanisms for technology and industrial upgrading. They disregarded the restriction in the implementation of this policy which was related to low absorption capacity at company level and insufficient co-operation between stakeholders in the process of building and implementing the innovation policy. It is obvious that innovation and industrial policies in these countries need to be turned around to include, to a greater extent, innovation policy demand instruments (e.g. stronger engagement of the business cluster, stronger cooperation of stakeholders which request collaboration with authorities among cities). In addition, new industrial and innovation policy in these countries should seek to understand the implications of the wars whose consequences on economic performance are only beginning to be explored as well as understand how the current topic such as digital transformation could shape industrial and innovation policy in these countries.
Regarding the round table programme, in the first presentation Marina Tkalec will explore the impact of war and occupation on firm performance outcomes in Croatia, followed by Elena Cefis who will speak about the influence of innovation that includes digital technologies on firms’ survival through the crisis. Dubravka Jurlina Alibegović will speak about Smart City model in Croatia whereas Ivana Rašić-Bakarić will tackle the topic „The impact of cluster networking in the Croatian Wood Cluster“.
List of presentations
- Marina Tkalec – Economic Consequence of War: Evidence from Firm Level Panel Dana
- Elena Cefis – Firms’ Innovation and the Challenge of Economic Crises
- Dubravka Jurlina Alibegović – Digital Transformation of Croatian Cities: Current Experience and Challenges
- Ivana Rašić-Bakarić – The Impact of Cluster Networking – the Case of the Croatian Wood Cluster
The round table will be held in Dubrovnik during 2nd International Conference “Smart Ideas and a New Concept of Economic Regeneration in Europe” (25th – 27th October 2018). More information will be available soon.