In order to make a stock of the existing R&D and innovation policies and to understand research and policy support needs of innovation stakeholders in Western Balkan, especially those related to Smart Specialisation, SmartEIZ implemented a survey on research and policy support needs of Innovation stakeholders in the selected South Eastern European countries. SmartEIZ team has collected information from relevant stakeholders in Croatia and Western Balkan countries, (approximately 130 questionnaires were filled)
Relying on the opinion from the Institute of Economics, Zagreb as well as stakeholders from Croatia and the selected South East European countries, SmartEIZ team which consists of researchers from UNU-MERIT, University College London, University Bocconi and the Institute of Economics Zagreb, drafted the following topics in focus of training workshops and training school:
- Assessing innovation policy
- Clusters
- Global value chain, including FDI
- Science – industry link
- SMART skills
- Companies, innovation and productivity
- Technology, Growth and productivity, including KET
- Evaluation of individual R&D, innovation policy instruments
- Entrepreneurship & knowledge based economy
From April 2017 to March 2018 nine training workshops and a training school will be organized as a part of SmartEIZ project. Each training workshop will last three days based on similar format. The first day will be dedicated to policy context of the specific topic, whereas the second day will be devoted to methodology issues. On the third day, researchers from the EIZ and their colleagues from Croatia and other selected South-East European countries will present papers on the training workshop topic. The audience of these events will be researchers, policy makers, administrator as well as entrepreneurs from Croatia and selected South and Eastern European countries.
Further information about the time and location of the training workshops will be available soon.