Training Workshop on evaluations of innovation policies will be held at The Institute of Economics, Zagreb from 21 to 22 November 2017.
This two days training workshop is devoted to the evaluation of innovation policies. Day one is more suited to policy makers, but can also be very interesting for economic researchers and advanced students. Various methods (quantitative and qualitative) used in program evaluations will be presented. Examples will be given of some of those methods applied to concrete evaluations of R&D tax incentives and R&D subsidies in various countries. Croatian policy makers are invited to participate on this first day to present their experience and the difficulties they face when it comes to evaluate their own innovation policies. A panel discussion will close the day where lessons learned will he shared and discussed.
Day two is more suited to scholars. The day kicks off with a short introduction of econometric methods for program evaluations. The day continues with presentations of researchers and students of their own work for formal and informal discussions. Ideally these papers would be devoted to innovation policy, but they could also concern other types of economic policy such as environmental regulations.
Program is available here.