Researchers on the SmartEIZ project, Dr Zoran Aralica from the Institute of Economics, Zagreb and Dr Slavo Radošević from University College London, have conducted an online survey about research and policy support needs for innovation in South-East Europe. The questionnaire entitled „Assessing research and policy support needs for innovation in the South East Europe“ was distributed to 360 participants in Croatia as well as the other six selected South East European countries (SEE): Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Montenegro and Serbia. The objective of the survey was two-fold: to get the views of the stakeholders on current R&D and innovation policies, and to understand research and policy support needs of innovation stakeholders.
These are the key findings based on SmartEIZ Questionnaire report:
• Differences in views and perceptions are more important among RDI sectors than among SEE countries
• Differences in perceptions of the impact of innovation policy instruments reflect differences in the development of R&I policies in SEE countries
• Current measures and forms of support in R&I reflect the needs of neither business nor scientific sector
• In R&D priorities ICT sector dominates
• Research and innovation policies are in need of support through research and training
• Among areas in need of better understanding and training are Science – industry links
• More than half of respondents are familiar with Smart Specialization but need to learn more, and these requirements differ across sectors.
For more on the results of the survey click here.