According to Description of Action – Part A, the Institute of Economics, Zagreb should provide information about publication in high impact journals in the relevant research field. Journal papers published in the field of Economics and Management of Innovation and Technology (EMIT) are considered to be relevant for the project and its researchers. This task is tightly connected with Expected Impact 1 (E1.1) of the project defined in Description of Action where it is explained: ‛During the period of the research thee papers cited in SCOPUS indexed journal and three papers cited in Web of Science (WoS) indexed journal will be submitted. Regarding this EIZ researchers are planning to increase their scientific and research capacity in a way to increase high quality publishing rate by more than 30% in the last year of the project, compared to 3 previous years before the project beginning, as result of training activities’.
The list of relevant articles was given in the previous post and can be seen at the following link: